Category: Security

While words of encouragement & advice are important, practical actions have more impact when it comes to directly helping someone. Building on this thought, PureVPN is giving away free VPN accounts on Safer Internet Day to highlight the importance of digital security and anonymity.

Going by the online security trends witnessed over a decade, we can be fairly certain, unfortunately, that online privacy will continue to be threatened by hackers, data mongers and governments in 2019. PureVPN has a few suggestions to help users protect their precious data and privacy.

Like every year, PureVPN has once again partnered with the UK Safer Internet Center to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2019 and spread the message of the global initiative among the masses.

PureVPN dubbed 2018 the 'Year of Users' and vowed to follow the suggestions received from its users. Here's a look back at how the VPN provider used feedback to build the only feedback-friendly VPN.